ahogy én cimkézném ezen univerzum hátlapját, egy játéktesztelő munka ( game tester job ) végén.
...játék az élet, ha az, ahogy- s kikkel megéled,
kedvedre van...
Is an interactive 3D game,
exactly balanced, but random-looking 1QU environment.
Consequent physics with "time" effect,
caused by field density based particle collisions,
and the usual, HighDens. field sources "inside the particles" dissolving into LD field "outside particles" and mostly returns into the source -as limit of the dissolving- and carrier of information to you about internal 3D particle positions,
( side effects like: gravity, em, magnetism, complex particles like electron, foton, proton, etc... is part of the game ).
Funny optional self-misleading ideas, like size-changing infinite Universe, money,
gods, ridiculous religious theories and dogmas, ( use of them is limiting character's thinking and other abilities ).
Strictly accurate lifeline for each particle, living unit, subjects ( based on consequent physics ).
Internal viewpoints, optionally extendable with self developments and technology.
Growing- and impact based interface abilities, 5 main and several sub-concious senses.
Brain-to-world interface with low-res sensitivity.
Improved thinking by extending circles of logically understood systems and connections.
Joyful self-multiplayability for extended entities only.
possibility of character development,
Personalized eastereggs and handicaps.
Society-like resource access with limited distribution.
Optional social power,
based on other characters physical/mental suppression, violence and murder.
Bonus: built-in satisfaction-triggers :)
Life is not a sequence of decisions, just a choice to be here and fully experience a human's life.
idő: e középkor 2014. éve előtt pár nappal.
miliő: London
( bocsika az angolul nem értőknek, legegyszerűbb nyelven akartam megfogalmazni a butított változatot, hogy a kis-értőknek is képes legyek a gondolatsorba kapaszkodáshoz alapot kínálni, magyarul a teljes könyv változat is könnyen érthető )